You’re ready to make an investment in yourself that will forever change your life – you’re ready to hire a great Wellness Coach. With a simple plan, you can do so in 3 simple steps:
I. Get Clear
II. Get Answers
III. Get going
I. Get Clear!
What you put into your personal Wellness Coaching journey will determine what you get out of it. The journey begins with you getting clear about what’s important to you and what you want in a great Wellness Coach.
• Take the time to answer these 10 questions:
1. Why I am hiring a Wellness Coach?
2. What is/are my wellness goal(s) and what do I hope to accomplish?
3. Am I willing to be coached? What does this mean to me?
4. What kind of support am I looking for?
5. What style of coaching works best for me?
6. What doesn’t work well for me?
7. What area(s) of specialty do I want my Wellness Coach to have?
8. What am I willing to pay for this service?
9. Do I want coaching: Weekly? Bi-monthly? By phone? In person?
10. How would I describe my ideal Wellness Coach?
Highlight any question(s) you have trouble answering and ponder it/them for 24 hours. Revisit the question(s) and see what comes forward.
Seem like a lot of work up front? Yes and no. You are taking a big step forward in your wellness and want to lead the project by starting off in the direction that is important to you…not just any direction. Time spent now will help assure your success.
II. Get Answers!
You’ll be collaborating with a Wellness Coach to support you in getting to your desired outcome and want to be sure it’s the right arrangement. To do so, you’ll need to do a bit of research.
Between searches on the internet and referrals from friends or health practitioners, narrow your search down to three Wellness Coaches. Study their websites or brochures and then conduct exploratory conversations with each of them. You’ll want to do this in addition to engaging in a free sample coaching session that each of the three Wellness Coaches may offer. During this “study, conversation, and sample” time, gather answers to any or all of these questions:
Part 1: Questions to Help you Select a Wellness Coach
Wellness Philosophy and Commitment to Wellness
• What is your philosophy about Wellness and Wellness Coaching?
• Who are your mentors?
• Do you have your own Wellness Coach?
• How do you demonstrate your own commitment to wellness?
• What wellness goals have you worked on in your own life?
Scope of Practice
• What is the range of your services?
• Do you sell supplements?
• If so, do you sell only one line of products or represent a network marketing company?
• What is your specialty or area of expertise?
• Do you teach classes? Teleclasses? Seminars? Lead retreats?
• Where and when were you trained/educated?
• How long have you been in business?
• What experience do you have as a wellness coach?
• What continued education classes do you take ?
•What did you do prior to being a Wellness Coach?
•What seminars have you attended lately? What did you learn?
• What associations do you belong to? Member? Board?
• What training, certification, and/or licenses do you have?
• What other personal-development work do you do for your own growth and transformation?
• What’s your diversity mix for types of clients and client issues you work with?
• How often do you wok with people who have similar wellness goals to mine? Can you give me referrals?
• What is your track record…Would those with wellness goals similar to mine, whom you have coached, say they have been successful?
• What’s your reputation as a wellness coach ?
About Your Practice
• Do you offer sample coaching sessions?
• How do you choose your clients?
• Are you taking new clients?
• How soon could we start?
• Can I see you in-person? By phone?
• What is your email policy?
• Can I contact you between sessions? How?
• What are your rates?
• What forms of payment do you take?
• How would you describe your coaching style?
• How would/will you handle it if we were to hit any “rocky” roads or junctures in our relationship?
• Are you willing to “live out loud” with me and name it when things are difficult so we can work through to the other side?
• What do you like most about what you do?
• Why should I hire you?
• What is your strong suit as a Wellness Coach?
• What client successes have made you most proud?
• How do you feel you would fit as a Wellness Coach for me?
• What referral do you have for me if we are not the right fit?
• What hesitancy do you have about working with me?
• What do you consider to be your best asset(s) as a coach?
• Do you have the ability to inspire and motivate others?
Part 2: Questions to Ask Yourself
After your study, conversation, and sample session with each of the three Wellness Coaches, ask yourself:
• Did this person demonstrate that s/he:
– is a strong communicator and listened well?
– is a knowledgeable and skilled Wellness Coach?
– is appropriately trained, certified, licensed and/or experienced?
– is inspirational, motivating, and positive to the degree I need/want?
– has strong integrity and a strong value system?
– runs a business of high standards without any evidence of bad faith?
– is focused and organized?
– is passionate about wellness?
– shares a vision for wellness that matches my vision?
– is on the same page I’m on regarding my wellness vision?
– is the right person for me to work with at this time?
III. Get Going!
Selecting and then hiring the Wellness Coach who fits best can make all the difference in your success. By this point, you have all the “data” you need to make an informed choice. Now trust your instincts, select your Wellness Coach, and make that first appointment! Ready,Go!
To Your Wellth,

P.S. We are well-connected in the Wellness Coach community. We provide business coaching to some of the most brilliant Wellness Coaches in the industry and would be happy to refer you to several for you to interview.
Send an email to us at: info (at) wellnesscoach (dot) com
Include your name, location, contact info with phone number and any details about the type of Wellness Coach you’d like to meet.
Tags: Wellness Coaching by Erica Ross-Krieger
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