Top 10 Business Resources Every Wellness Coach Must Have

Whether you’re building a new Wellness Coaching business this year, leading one that’s established, or restructuring and re-energizing a Wellness Coaching business that’s undergoing a makeover, the resources shown here are a must-have.

By “resources”, I truly mean “sources of help.” That said, you are going to have to expend energy to obtain or create each of the “sources of help” that I’ll mention. I won’t share anything with you I haven’t put into place myself. I have each of the 10 resources below in place for my own business. Yup, it took solid effort…AND the rewards are plenty. I invite you to put them into place in your own business.

Use the following list as a way to assess the resources you already have and to determine what else you need to put into place. In each category, I’ll open my contact files to you and let you know: the professionals that I whole-heartedly recommend; which resource to purchase, and/or; where to look to find out more.

Top 10 Business Resources Every Wellness Coach Must Have

10. An Inspiring Mastermind Group – Weekly meetings with 4-6 professionals whom you respect is key to keeping connected, achieving goals, avoiding isolation, and expanding your thought-processes and ideas. Join an existing mastermind group or form one yourself and include those you admire. Meet with those who will help you stay accountable to your goals and true to your authentic nature. [If you want help forming a mastermind group, let me know in the comment section below this post.]

9. A Great CPA  – You must have a CPA who has experience with entrepreneurs, all types of corporate structures / business entities and who can help you reduce your largest expense, taxes. You don’t just want to hire your uncle Joe who says he knows how to fill out tax forms. It’s important you develop a list of questions for the professionals you interview and perform rigorous due diligence. [You can learn about CPA Warren Taryle’s outstanding company, Taryle & Associates, by clicking here.]

8. A Savvy Bookkeeper – Let’s hope your receipts aren’t filed in the recesses of your wallet or purse and that you own up-to-date small business software such as Quickbooks. Even so, hiring a bookkeeper will be one of the smartest additions you will make to your team. Doing so will save you hours of work and free you up from number input and allow you to put your energy into Wellness Coaching. Did you know you can successfully use a bookkeeper remotely & even outside of your state? Yup! Again, do your due diligence, ask for references, check that they work with entrepreneurs and have a solid track record. [You can learn about bookkeeper Mary James’s stellar company, Mary James Bookkeeping Group, by clicking here.]

7. An On-Line & Social Media Strategy to Grow Your Brand – Let’s be honest. The on-line and social media world can be a bit overwhelming. You know you need to develop your on-line “authority” and strengthen your on-line visibility, but without a plan your start-and-stop efforts can be ineffectual and a waste of time. A successful strategy or plan is one that fits you and your style and one that you will follow. Consistently. A solid strategy will help you focus and be a resource for you to turn to in the midst of internet and social media overwhelm. Do some research. Find someone to help you create a system and strategy that fits you. [Learn about internet guru Chris Garrett’s Authority Blogger course by clicking here.]

6. A Proven Business Coach  – I could write an entire post about the Top 10 Results You Can Achieve When Using a Business Coach, but I’ll save that for another time. Suffice it to say that to this day I have my own Business Coach — we meet regularly to keep and me heading toward and on-track with the goal achievement that is important to me. I also hired a Business Coach when I was a Wellness Coach, and I can tell you first-hand how great that was. Having someone who wants the best for you, is willing to fiercely hold the space for you to achieve the business results that matter, and who knows the entrepreneurial territory from the inside out is crucial to entrepreneurial success. Are there many Business Coaches out there? Sure. Some who understand the Wellness Coaching arena? Yup. Do your homework. Identify the top qualities you want in your Business Coach. Make sure they are a good fit for you. Interview several. [Yes, I’d be glad to answer your inquiries. I’ll say no more here…]

5. A Well-Performing Website/Blog­ – Is a website and/or blog a resource? Absolutely! It’s your conduit for communicating with your tribe. It’s not enough to have an aesthetically pleasing website or blog…and gone are the days of sites being solely on-line brochures. Your site needs to do work for you. In fact, it’s more important that it functions well than looks “perfect”. Entire posts and sites are dedicated to web & blog development and keys to good performance. Be sure you do the right amount of research but don’t get stuck in analysis paralysis. Get into action here. Be sure your site gets put up, provides useful content and captures visitor information. If yours is still in the brochure category, or non-existent altogether, get busy and hire a pro to design and get a solid site up for you. Gotta do more due diligence? Yes. Get referrals, work within your budget, and be sure who you hire is a good fit for you…the person who creates your site needs to understand you and your business. [You can learn about Julie Hood’s rock star web and blog business,, by clicking here.]

4. The Best Entity for YOUR Business – Let’s face it. One of the most important decisions you ever made was to go into business for yourself and start to build a successful Wellness Coaching Business. Isn’t it just as important to protect what you are building? Having several entrepreneurial businesses, I can absolutely say “yes!” Being sure that this is the right time for you to establish an entity and deciding whether to form an LLC, S corporation, or C corporation is critical. You need to rely on an entity specialist who is a seasoned professional. Get referrals. Do your homework. Have a consultation to get a professional opinion about what’s right for your business. You can sign up for a free 30-minute consultation, join the teleseminar series, and learn about the proven track record of CEOs Cheri Hill‘s top-notch entity-formation business, Sage International, by clicking here.

3. The Right Insurance – Your insurance needs are unique to you. Be sure getting the right coverage isn’t a task you put in the “someday” category. Take action now. It might be that you’ll never actually know how much of a resource insurance will be…I hope this for you. Check with the providers of your homeowner’s insurance (or providers of other types of insurance you have) to see if it’s appropriate for you to obtain, (and see if they offer) an umbrella policy, Errors & Omissions coverage, and/or Business Liability coverage. [You can also look into the various coverage packages offered to members of IDEA Health & Fitness Association. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) also offers insurance to its members. Check with them to see if becoming a member and getting their 3rd-party coverage is appropriate for you.] Depending on your training, and/or your prior or current education or license, you might also want to consult an attorney to see what is needed in your circumstances.

2. A Solid Revenue Model­ ­– Revenue models are a part of every entrepreneur’s successful business toolkit. Once put together, a yearly revenue model for your Wellness Coaching business will be a great resource for keeping yourself on track to reach your own levels of business success. A well designed revenue model will include: the revenue you are targeting to generate this year; prices for your various products and services; estimated expenses, and; how many of the specific products, group programs and individual services you will need to offer to meet that revenue goal. Looked at monthly, the revenue model will help you see what course correction you need to make to meet your revenue goals. [Be sure to use your key business resource  (#6 above…your Business Coach) to help you put your revenue model together.]

1. A Clear Vision, Mission & Marketing Plan – This is Business 101 and a great “course” to put yourself through whether you are starting or re-launching your Wellness Coaching Business. It occupies the #1 spot because there is no more powerful motivator to an entrepreneur than keeping his or her eye on the vision and mission of their business. Used as a resource, doing so repeatedly and consistently is invaluable. Well-crafted, these three components will remind you why you do what you do, what you are committed to, and how you will get the word out about what you do. Enlist the help and support of your Mastermind Group and your Business Coach as you create, sharpen, or polish this business resource. [Also use Loral Langemeirs 4-CD set, Building, Leading & Protecting Your Business, to guide you in your work on this.]


—Got additional resources in mind that you think other Wellness Coaches need to put in place? Let members of the community know in the comment section below.


To Your Wellth,
