Wellness Coach Blog for Entrepreneurs

Are you an entrepreneur with wellness on your mind? Is your entrepreneurial body, mind and spirit stretched to full capacity with all you have to do? Have you been looking for a collection of practical wellness resources that target the unique needs of entrepreneurs? Look no more. You’ve come to the right place!

Hello and Welcome to the new WellnessCoach.com blog.

Let this be a place for you to take a brief time out from your busy days and grab a bite of refreshment for your entrepreneurial body, mind and spirit.

This blog is for entrepreneurs.

You may be just starting out on your own or be a seasoned professional with more than 20 years under your entrepreneurial belt. You may have a home-based business or have a large office downtown. Your travel itinerary could very well include several international business trips each quarter or it could be limited to a single car trip to the office supply store once a month. And your business may gross $2000 a month or $5 million a year. It matters not. As an entrepreneur, you are in business for yourself and your wellness needs are unique.

Entrepreneurs have distinct wellness needs.

While we do enjoy the freedom and flexibility to set our own paces, those of us who are entrepreneurs also have a higher potential for stress-related health and wellness challenges than those who don’t run their own businesses. While we tend to thrive on doing things our way, we have been known to get burned out by trying to do it all and from trying to do it all alone.

While getting the entrepreneurial plane off the ground in the first place can be exhilarating, it also provides a stressful workout for our adrenal glands. And keeping our enterprise in the air, especially if we are flying completely solo, can be even more taxing on our systems. Yes, when we manage the whole gamut of entrepreneurial responsibilities – from sales to admin, marketing to strategic planning, delivering products and services to computer trouble-shooting – we put great demands on not just our adrenal glands but our overall wellbeing.
Wellness Coach for Your Health and Well-Being

The WellnessCoach.com Blog – a Respite and Wellth of Resources.

From articles to help you deal with entrepreneurial self-doubt and a pod-cast or two with soothing 1-minute meditations to recipes for nutritious snacks and names of nutritionists in your area, you’ll be glad you stopped by.

Erica Ross-Krieger, M.A., N.E. is a wellness coach for entrepreneurs.

As an entrepreneur/owner of three businesses, a Nutrition Educator, master coach, and someone who adores research and collecting practical wellness information, I’ll be your guide. I’m Erica Ross-Krieger and I’m delighted to provide the wellness resources you will find here.

A Community of Entrepreneurs Cultivating Wellness exists here.

I’d also enjoy hearing what’s on your entrepreneurial mind when it comes to wellness. Together we’ll explore the wellness arena, discuss what it means to be an entrepreneur while also embracing wellness, and how we each define wellness and success from the inside out.

Body/Mind/Spirit – Resources for Entrepreneurs at WellnessCoach.com.

Posts on this blog cover topics in the areas of body, mind and spirit.

In the body category, you can find a nutrition-on-the-go idea (though my bias is toward the Slow Food Movement:), a resource for a biological dentist (because you have been grinding your teeth worrying about that bottom line, haven’t you?) as well as a list of herbs for preventing jet-lag.

In the mind category, you will find a post that includes a worksheet for assessing your company’s financial wellness and another post to help you beef up your decision-making skills and break free from the stress of indecision.

In the spirit category, you can read an excerpt from my book, Seven Sacred Attitudes—How to Live in the Richness of the Moment and also find tips for taking a rejuvenating lunch break (what lunch break you ask? Well, that’s covered too) as well as an announcement about a renew-your-spirit workshop in Costa Rica that is great for entrepreneurs.

Consider this blog as a Wellness Program for Entrepreneurs.

The posts on WellnessCoach.com Blog address the unique wellness needs of busy entrepreneurs. From the anxiety that new (and seasoned) entrepreneurs experience while marketing their businesses, to the challenges of living and working at home, or dealing with the isolation involved in home-based businesses, this blog is for all of us who call ourselves entrepreneurs. Together, we can explore the terrain of wellness for entrepreneurs and build a community as we go.
